2016 planning applications in review


Pancea Health Research has amassed a significant database of nursing home information and this post draws from this rich resource.

The purpose of this post is to examine the expansion which has taken place in the Irish nursing home sector over the course of 2016. This post draws on planning permission and building commencement data in order to form a robust picture of activity in the market to date.

At least 43 planning applications for nursing home development were lodged for consideration by planning authorities in 2016. The total number of beds which have been granted planning permission to date in 2016 is 1098. It should be noted that not all of the applications related exclusively to the development of new homes with additional bed spaces. Many of the applications instead relate to the development of supporting facilities associated with the operation of existing homes.

In terms of the delivery of nursing homes and additional bed spaces to the market, a review of commencement notices for 2016 indicate that an estimated 1,904 beds have commenced construction. The majority of these commencements have been in the Dublin region and indeed come under one particular scheme. Construction has commenced on a scheme with a bedspace capacity of over 800 beds. This scheme is located at Finglas, at a site opposite St Mary’s Orthopaedic Hospital. The scheme consists of a nursing home with a significant number of independent living units provided within the same site area. This is one of the largest schemes which has been lodged for consideration recently according to PHR’s research.

It should be noted however that this bedspace number is as set out in planning terms. The final number of bedspaces which will be registered with HIQA may differ from the stated planning complement.

For additional information on Ireland’s nursing home sector, please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@phr.ie.