Explore our planning database of over 225,000 planning files. Download extracts of up to 200 applications for €35.00.

Solar Explorer

A simple map and solar planning application explorer.

A service which enables the user to fully explore the evolution of the utility scale solar energy sector in Ireland.

As featured on RTE's Primetime

Contact us for a free trial.

Panacea Research

PHR provides market intelligence to a variety of sectors including energy development and public health infrastructure. PHRs tools enable us to accurately map and outline the current construction market in addition to quantifying various levels of planning activity local, regional and national level.

PHRs current clients include renewable energy developers, fund managers, planning consultants as well as Irish governmental energy agencies and professional organisations.

Solar Planning Application Tracking

In April 2017, PHR were proud to launch our Utility Scale Solar Photovoltaic planning application tracker.

We've called the 'Solar Explorer' as that's what it is on the tin. A service which enables the user to fully explorer the evolution of the utility scale solar energy sector in Ireland.

Contact us for a free trial.


Investing in the future of Ireland's nursing homes

This briefing note will provide an introduction to the location of nursing homes of under 60 beds in the Republic of Ireland. It will also estimate the level of investment required in order bring existing facilities up to the 60 bed level. The rationale for this examination arises from a report commissioned by the Department of Health in 2015.

Read the note

From our blog

Our aim is to make it easy for you to get the insights you want. Follow our blog for some tips and advice on what can be done.

Sep 25, 2019

Announcing the Panacea Public Viewer - search all Irish planning applications in seconds

Sourcing accurate and up to date planning information is a laborious process that requires manual searching of over 30 planning websites. PHR has designed a single website that brings together the planning information published by Local Authorities and An Bord Pleanala. For a small fee, comprehensive searches can be exported from the viewer. This is useful from a research perspective as well as for those whose job entails charting patterns of development across the State. The interface is intuitive and easy to use.

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Dec 20, 2017

Social License to Operate and the Sustainable Energy Transition

The deployment of renewable energy (RE) infrastructure, as a part of Ireland’s transition to a low carbon economy, has not been a seamless process as communities in the receiving environment frequently mobilise effective campaigns of opposition which impact the State’s obligations to decarbonise Ireland’s energy sources.

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Feb 1, 2017

Future bed estimates.

We set out a number of the metrics which have been put forward and how PHR has applied these in determining an evidence based response to the absence of capacity in the State’s long term care sector.

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Nov 30, 2016

2016 planning applications in review

Pancea Health Research has amassed a significant database of nursing home information and this post draws from this rich resource. With at least 43 nursing home applications with 1098 beds applied for in 2016.

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Jul 26, 2016

Ireland’s Nursing Home Market

This post will explore the ownership patterns of Ireland’s nursing homes as well as comment on the overall structure of the market as of July 2016. As we await the results of Census 2016 and the insights that this invaluable data set will give us, it is safe to conclude that the number of older people (defined as aged 65 and older) is likely to rise. Recognising this fact is important from a planning and public policy point of view as a greying population will require a response in terms of bespoke services to facilitate the best quality of life possible for this population as they grow into older age. Achieving this goal will require an understanding of the existing market.

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Jan 18, 2016

Ireland’s Older Demographic Spatial Distribution

Demographic models that have been extrapolated to predict Ireland’s future population indicate that while the proportionate number of older people within the population is set to rise, the State will in fact experience a ‘demographic golden age’ due to the large number of younger people in the population.

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